African Policy in the Biden Administration
“A New Narrative”: Africa Policy for the Biden Administration
WIIT including Africa chair Hera Abbasi (IBM) and WIIT Trust Chair Lisa Schroeter (Dow) was honored to host an interview discussion with Rosa Whitaker, President of The Whitaker Group and former (and the first-ever) Assistant USTR for Africa, who unveiled US-Africa trade & investment policy recommendations for the Biden Administration. The session focused on key recommendations to accelerate a constructive US-Africa partnership, including revamping commercial diplomacy; incentivizing investment through bond market financing and tax code incentives; and revamp AGOA to promote reciprocal trade benefits. These ground-breaking ideas were the basis for an inspiring discussion with one of WIIT’s largest audiences ever, representing both American and African trade policy drivers. The group was dedicated to a constructive discussion, and opportunities to recast a “new narrative” of opportunity in US-Africa trade.
If you missed Afican Policy in the Biden Administration with Rosa Whitaker please see the recording below.
African Policy in the Biden Administration - Recording
African Policy - Rosa's Presentation